Does cortisone really work? The advantages and disadvantages of cortisone shots.

Cortisone shots are a common therapy that doctors frequently rely on when facing conditions like tendonitis and plantar fasciitis. But does cortisone really work? I’ll try to answer that question in some depth in just a minute. But let’s start with what cortisone actually is. First and foremost, cortisone is a hormone that’s produced by …

Developing and maintaining muscle after forty

It’s a fact; older athletes have trouble maintaining muscle mass. Somewhere around the start of your fifth decade, a condition called “anabolic resistance” sets in. While no one really knows the exact mechanisms involved, the problem is that it’s harder for the body to absorb the amino acids needed for developing and maintaining muscle after …

Runner’s knee

I spend a lot of time talking about what tendonitis and tendonosis are, but in this post I’m going to talk about one case of what they are not. Runner’s knee is a sort of catch-all term for pain experienced in the knee, and the people who suffer from it aren’t limited to just runners. …