Some research on injectable capsaicin for tendon pain

I’ve written about topical (applied to the skin) capsaicin before, and my take is that creams and so on that contain capsaicin are pretty much worthless for relieving tendon pain.

Capsaicin for tendon pain

But there may be some merit to injecting capsaicin into your body in order to provide some temporary relief from pain. In a 2015 study, researchers performed some tendon surgery on rabbits and tested to see whether injecting capsaicin did any long-term damage to the animals. Turns out that 18 weeks after the surgery, the injected group did just as well as the control group in terms of recovery. And the injected group had less pain after their operations.

Of course, it’s only one study. And animal studies don’t always translate into the same results when you try the same treatment on humans. But quite often what works in one mammal will work in another (ie, homo sapiens). ANd hte study was, as far as I can see, pretty well designed.

So if you’re suffering from tendon pain, having a doctor inject you with purified capsaicin might give you some real relief. But of course this is only a temporary fix. Might be good if you have tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon), but long term, it’s not going to help if you have tendonosis (degeneration of the tendon). For that, you’re going to need something like targeted rehab or a program like the one outlined in my book. If you’re not sure which condition you have, feel free to take my quick and easy (and free!) tendon test here.

Capsaicin for Tendonitis

Capsaicin for tendon painOne thing about the internet, there are lots and lots of supposed cures for pretty much everything under the sun. Tendonitis is no exception; you can find bogus remedies like magnesium, bath salts and crystals with the click of a button. But lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of talk about using capsaicin to relieve or cure tendon pain.

If you don’t know what capsaicin is, it’s what makes hot peppers hot. The idea relating to tendon pain is if you apply capsaicin topically, it will activate the pain nerves, but then make them less sensitive (through an overload effect), so as to reduce the overall amount of pain.

For example, this site says :

Capsaicin “numbs” the sensation of pain in joints affected by tendonitis. This effect occurs from capsaicin blocking the production of a neuropeptide named substance P, which is responsible for the sensation of pain.

and then lists this study as their reference: Deal, C. L. The use of topical capsaicin in managing arthritis pain: A clinician’s perspective. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. 23(6):1994;48-52, 1994. I won’t comment on the blockage of substance P, but I will say that this site doesn’t know what it’s talking about when it comes to tendons. First, tendons aren’t joints; the structures are completely different (collagen vs. cartilage). So the fact that something that works in a joint has absolutely no bearing on tendons, and talking about “joints affected by tendonitis” is simply wrong. Second, the study is about arthritis pain, not tendon pain. Sorry, but those are different, too.

So, one argument down. Another is that applying heat to a painful area can produce relief. There may be some merit to this idea. After all, people use hot-packs all the time. But the problem (as I mentioned in my post about menthol and tendon pain) is that capsaicin doesn’t produce any real heat. Sure, you’ll feel like something’s on fire, but no actual increase in temperature occurs. The capsaicin just causes your body’s heat sensors to react as though there was real heat.

To put it bluntly, using capsaicin for tendon pain is a bad idea. Icing a tendon can be a good modality for tendon pain that’s not too severe and hasn’t been around for long, but even that won’t be effective for persistent tendon pain. Heat…well, heat just isn’t on the scientifically-verified menu — not even real heat. Finally, there is absolutely no research showing that topical capsaicin creams and so on are effective, and anecdotal reports of trying to rub chili powder and so on directly onto the skin usually end badly.

If you have persistent, long-term tendon pain, it’s a good bet that you don’t have tendonitis, but tendonosis (take my free, one-minute test to find out which you have), and neither heating nor cooling is going to help much. Long-term pain usually means tendon degeneration, and for that you’re going to need some targeted exercises and a good nutritional strategy to rebuild the affected area. Target Tendonitis provides both, and comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.